Thursday 18 June 2015


The kinetic chain process that is developed through the volleyball spike skill can be applied to a variety of sports and different skills within the sport of volleyball itself. The skill which the kinetic chain that has been cultivated can be adapted to the serve within volleyball primarily through the arm movements as they contain a similar action process. The spiking kinetic chain an also be adapted to the sport of tennis and in particular to the skill of the serve. As with the volleyball serve it has a similar arm action to the volleyball spike with the racket acting as an extension of the hand. The leg aspect of the kinetic chain can be adapted to a variety of skills in different sports. The basketball lay-up whilst utilising a hop not jump employs the same tactics in the foot contact with the ground in order to achieve more momentum and force throughout the jump. Other sports that have vertical jump based skills also utilise the leg kinetic chain process from a volleyball spike, including Australian Rules football and American National Football League.

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