Thursday 18 June 2015


1.  What other factors would affect the success of a volleyball spike?
There are many factors that can affect the outcome of the volleyball spike. The main three are environmental factors, psychological factors and physiological factors. The environmental factors that affect the outcome can be dependent on where the game is held. Firstly, if a game is held outdoors the wind can affect the movement pattern of the ball decreasing the likelihood of the ball being contacted at all or change the trajectory of the balls flight path after contact with the hand. Another environmental factor is the surface that the game is played upon if the surface is uneven or too smooth or too rough the hitter can trip or decrease the speed of their run up in order to compensate for the surface and avoid injuring transferring in a less powerful serve. Thirdly, the sun can affect the hitter’s performance through detriment to the hitter's vision and their ability to see the ball. Psychological factors take affect mainly in game circumstances as a hitter can be affected by the presence of an opposition and the jeering of the competition or crowd. These factors can affect an hitter‘s confidence in their skill ability and therefore the outcome of the skill being played. Other factors that can affect a hitter's confidence, at times poor performance in the past can affect the hitter's performance in the present due to a loss of confidence from dwelling upon past experiences. Physiological factors have a great effect on the outcome of a volleyball spike, a hitter's health can be one of these physiological factors. For example, if a hitter suffers from asthma or other chronic illnesses it can affect the hitter's ability to execute the skill.

2. What training could be undertaken in order to improve the success of a volleyball spike?
Training is a key aspect in developing the power and accuracy of a volleyball spike. If a hitter is to be successful in the execution of the skill they must undergo a varying series of training to increase their abilities. Vertical jump training is critical in order for a hitter to be able to jump to the appropriate level with enough force and power that is translated into the hitting action. The skill of spiking is based on explosive activities of a quick run, jump then hit therefore power training is the most effective from of training to increase the likelihood of a successful outcome of the skill. Explosive strength training, plyometric training and ballistics training are the most suited forms of strength training to increase the outcome of the skill as they increase power in the legs and arms (, 2015). (2015) have an extensive list of plyometric exercises from low to medium intensity designed for volleyball.

(, 2015)

3.  What are the benefits of having a powerful and accurate volleyball spike?

There are many benefits of having a powerful and accurate spike as it is a skill that can be utilised to change the tempo of the game. An accurate spike can be employed to target weaker opposition players to score points or to target free spaces on the court in order to achieve the same outcome. Power is beneficial to the skill of the volleyball spike as it provides a shorter time frame for the opposition to reach the ball before it hits the ground. A more powerful spike may cause the opposition to falter in returning the ball as the force of the ball can cause the player to lose footing and in turn lose the point.

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