Friday 19 June 2015


The following definitions and equations have been included within the blog to allow a novice learner in the field of biomechanics a greater basic understanding of the terminology and how they work.

acceleration rate of change in velocity over the change in time
angular acceleration rate of change of angular velocity; equal to angular velocity per unit of time
angular displacement change in angular position or the orientation of a straight segment
angular impulse product of torque and time (torque produced over a period of time); equal to the change in angular momentum of an object
angular momentum product of the moment of inertia and angular velocity; angular analogue of linear momentum
angular velocity rate of change in angular displacement; equal to angular displacement per unit time
axis of rotation imaginary line passing through the centre of rotation; perpendicular to the plane of rotation
biomechanics field of science devoted to understanding mechanical principles in relation to biological organisms
centre of gravity point about which the sum of torques if all points weights (that is, mass × gravity) of a body equals zero; the body can balance at this point
centre of mass point about which the sum of torques of all point weights of a body would be zero if oriented perpendicular to the line of gravity
efficiency ratio of the input to output of a system; often refers to ratio of energy in to energy out
force product of mass and acceleration; induces a change in the mobile state of an object
impulse product of applied force and the time over which it is applied
impulse-momentum relationship relationship between impulse and momentum; the momentum of an object will change in proportion to the sum of applied impulses
inertia tendency for a body to remain in its present state of motion
kinetic chain linked segments of a body that move together
linear straight or curved but not circular (rotational) path
linear acceleration rate of change of linear velocity; equal to angular velocity per unit time
linear displacement change in linear position or the orientation of a straight segment
linear momentum product of the mass and linear displacement; equal to linear displacement per unit of time
linear velocity rate of change in linear displacement; equal to linear displacement per unit time
mass quantity of matter in an object
moment of inertia tendency for a rotating body to remain in its present state of motion; equal to the product of the mass if an object and its radius of gyration
moment of force (torque) the result of a force acting at a distance from a centre of rotation; rotational action of a force
Newton's Law's
First: An object will remain at rest or continue to move with constant velocity as long as the net force equals zero. 
Second: The acceleration of an object is proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to the mass of the object.
Third: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
power rate of doing work; work per unit or the product of force and velocity
push-like movement pattern pattern of movement whereby the joints linked segments extend (or flex) simultaneously; optimum pattern for high force and accuracy
radius of gyration distance from the axis of rotation to a point where the centre of mass of the object could be located without altering its rotational characteristics
recovery phase period during which an appendage is repositioned from the back to the front of the boy in preparation for the swing phase
rotation circular (non-linear) motion or motion about an axis of rotation
speed rate of change of distance, without reference to direction
swing phase period during which an appendage is repositioned from the front to the back of the body; usually associated with the application of propulsive force
throw-like movement pattern patter of movement whereby the joints of linked segments extend (or flex) in a sequential order, usually proximo-distally; optimum pattern for the attainment of high movement speeds
trajectory flight path of a projectile
translation linear motion

speed Δd/Δt
velocity (v) Δs/Δt
acceleration (a) Δv/Δt
angular velocity (ω) Δθ/Δt
angular acceleration (α) Δω/Δt or τ/I
force (F) m×a
torque (moment of force) (τ) F×d, where d is the moment arm of force, or τ = Iα
sum of moments or sum of torque (ΣM or Στ) τt τ1 + τ2 + τ3 ...
momentum (M) m×v
angular momentum (H or L) Iω or mk²ω
angular impulse-momentum relationship τ∙t = Iω
impulse (J) F×t or Δmv
inertia m
moment of inertia (I) Σmr² or mk²
power (P) F×v or W/t

All definitions and equations found in Blazevich's (2010) Sports Biomechanics.

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